The church began on the American frontier as a movement to restore the unity of Christ’s church which, after many centuries, had fractured along doctrinal and denominational lines. The ‘Christian’ and ‘Disciples’ groups of Thomas & Alexander Campbell with Walter Scott, joined hands with that of Barton W. Stone in 1832 to form the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); a church dedicated to bearing witness to Jesus as Lord and Savior of all Christians, not just a few. “Unity is our polar star,” and we seek to be one in the Spirit!
The symbol of the church is the red chalice which calls attention to the importance of the Lord’s Supper in our weekly worship services. The Saint Andrews Cross recalls our early Scottish-Presbyterian roots and our commitment to evangelism as a primary calling of the disciples of Jesus Christ.
First Christian Church came into being in 1828 through the gathering of charter members who committed themselves to this vision of discipleship and unity under Christ. They had a charter to share the Good News of God’s love with the people of Wilmington and Clinton County, a ministry to which this congregation is still committed! As we approach our 3rd century of ministry, we pray our congregation will continue growing and serving God with grace and gratitude.
We are excited about what God has and is doing among us and want to share that with others...with you! It is our hope and prayer that you will find this to be a warm and accepting, challenging and faithful church that will feed your spirit and provide you with a place to love and serve the Lord!First Christian Church is a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a fellowship of 3,600 congregations throughout the U.S. and Canada, with over 650,000 members.
Weekly Worship
Short-term Scripture Studies and Spiritual Growth Programs;
Outreach and Mission projects throughout the year;
Christian Women’s Ministry and Disciple Men Fellowships;
Youth and Children’s Groups;
Multiple Ministry Teams;
Fellowship Activities;
Multiple Music Ministries;
& so much more!
First Christian Church of Wilmington, Ohio
120 Columbus St, Wilmington, OH 45177
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